day 5As a reminder, our goal for the year is the reading of one chapter in Proverbs a day, the one that corresponds with the day of the month. Today being the 5th of February, our reading will be Proverbs 5. I invite you to read Proverbs 5 before proceeding with my devotional thought for today.

Our January devotional from Proverbs 5 focused on verses 3-5. As you have already noted in your reading,  Proverbs 5 warns that the way of an adulterer is not only detrimental to his personal life, but also destructive to all relationships.  Perhaps the greatest tragedy in our churches today is the prevalence of adultery via Internet, cable television, novels, worldly music and suggestive lyrics…we are bombarded with the temptation to lust at every turn (Matthew 5:27-32).

For today, let’s focus on the two opening verses of Proverbs 5 that are an introduction to the chapter.

Proverbs 5:1-2 – “My son, attend [hearken; heed] unto my wisdom [wisdom that comes by way of experience], and bow [extend; bend] thine ear to my understanding [insight; discernment—between good and evil]:parent correcting
2 That thou mayest regard [keep; preserve] discretion [recognize evil plots and schemes], and that thy lips [language; speech] may keep [keep watch; guard; preserve] knowledge [an ability to distinguish between good and evil].”

Solomon seeks what every godly parent desires, that their children would learn from their experience and flee from sin (2 Timothy 2:22). The king exhorts his son to exercise discretion, be discerning and guard his conversations.

Suggestive, sexually charged speech dominates the media airwaves and too often finds its way into public and private conversation.  Sexting, texting, emails and social media have become public platforms for a generation whose conscience has not been trained to discern between good and evil.  Proverbs 5 is a warning to all men and women…trifle with sexual sins and sorrow and death will follow—death of marriage, family, reputation and career.

Proverbs 13:15 – “Good understanding giveth favour: but the way of transgressors is hard.”