Look-in-the-MirrorProvidentially and by no design of my own, today’s study of Proverbs 11:13 repeats our devotional thought from Proverbs 10:12.

Proverbs 11:13 – “A talebearer [slanderer; walks about carrying tales] revealeth [uncovers; discloses] secrets [counsel; confidential talk]: but he that is of a faithful spirit [true; trustworthy; enduring mind] concealeth [hides; covers, implying forgiveness] the matter [word; saying; discourse].”

A talebearer is a gossip who tells tales that have no edifying purpose. He slanders, gossipwounds and betrays friendships and trust.  He destroys lives and ruins reputations.  He exploits trust and exposes another’s faults and weaknesses.  He may bear a title and garner a following, but he is a revealer of secrets and his intent is malicious.

Men of a “faithful spirit” are few. They are true, honorable and forgiving.  They will not exploit your weakness or reveal your failures.

What manner of man or woman are you?  What is the character of your friend?  I have noticed that talebearers befriend those with a common spirit, manner and sin.  If your friend is a revealer of secrets and breaker of trust…look in the mirror because you will see his reflection in you!look in the mirror

1 Peter 4:8  – “And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.”

Copyright 2014 – Travis D. Smith