fat brideAs noted in prior devotionals from Proverbs 30, this chapter sets forth a series of simple proverbs grouped together in individual lists contrasting 4 common observations.  I challenge you to consider and ponder today’s proverbs and their implications to daily life.

Proverbs 30:21-23 – “For three things the earth [land; country; nation] is disquieted [shakes; trembles; is troubled; disturbed], and for four which it cannot [prevail; endure; overcome] bear [take; accept; forgive; remove; carry away]: 22  For a servant [bondslave or employee] when he reigneth [ascends to the throne; rules; counsel; becomes king]; and a fool [wicked; vile; immoral] when he is filled [satisfied; has plenty] with meat [bread; food]; 23  For an odious [hateful; foe; jealous; unlovely] woman when she is married [to have dominion; rule over]; and an handmaid [female slave; household servant] that is heir [inherit; take possession; succeeds] to her mistress [lady; queen].”

Note these verses consist of one list of four things that I will describe as, “Ought Not to Be” and the author explains as disquieting to the nations and people of the earth [literally shakes and trembles].  Let us notice four president and vicepromotions that trouble organizations, communities, nations and the earth.

The first promotion that trouble a people is that of a man or woman ill prepared to lead.   Such a person, regardless of his or her aspirations, will be a sorrow and heartache to the people who chose them.   The arrogance and incompetence of such a leader will be both troubling and disastrous to the organization, community or nation over which they preside (30:22).

The second troubling promotion is when a wicked, vile fool is given unchecked liberty to feed his onerous appetite for sin.  Such a man is not only a trouble to himself, but to all those who have the misfortune of serving his passions.

ugly brideThe third promotion strikes a humorous chord for me and it is when an “odious woman” [a maiden not only lacking in beauty, but altogether unappealing] is married.

The fourth promotion that “ought not to be” is when a household servant, a common woman untrained in the graces of civility, is heir to her mistress’ fortune.  Such a transition of wealth and position can be troubling if the heir’s good fortune provokes pride rather than humility.

Copyright 2015 – Travis D. Smith