
* For the sake of clarity, please note the following blog was posted June 3, 2015; two days prior to the sudden announcement of Clearwater Christian College’s closing on Friday, June 5, 2015.

Proverbs 22:28 – “Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set.”

You did not ask, but yes, you have offended fundamental pastors, churches and Bible believers who sent their sons and daughters to your institutions trusting you would perpetuate the values we sought to instill in them throughout their youth.

Admittedly, too many of our homes, churches and Christian schools capitulated to the encroachment of the world and, rather than heralding a call for holiness (1 Peter 1:15-16), practiced accommodation of sin (Romans 12:2).  The result has been decaying buildingdevastating to our families and ministries as moral decay and an erosion of godliness is rampant.  Like you, we find ourselves ministering in the midst of a secular culture given to the pleasures of sin and gross immorality; too often we have been ill-equipped for the spiritual war we are facing.

Christian Bible colleges were never perfect; however, you did represent the hope and trust of many pastors, churches and parents that you would be a safe place where Christian youth would be challenged, convicted, exhorted and yes, educated in a biblical worldview that would prepare them to face the world as soldiers of Christ.  Unfortunately, as the baton of leadership passed to a new generation, too many institutions dismissed their fundamental Christian legacy and put men and women in places of leadership who lacked the convictions and character of their founders and predecessors.  I have witnessed your loathing of men and women of principle who, for you, became obstructions in your quest for change.

Were the fundamental pastors, churches and members who represented your constituency the embodiment of perfect Christlikeness?  Sadly and regrettably, no; decayinghowever, I am afraid the day has come or will come when you will realize not only did we not deserve your caustic criticisms (Matthew 7:1-5), but you have proverbially “shot yourself in the foot” catering to a carnal generation that not only dismisses the fundamental heritage of your institutions, but places little to no value on Christian education.

Men and women who had a vision and passion for the Lord and were dedicated to equipping the saints for the work of the ministry, founded the institutions you are now forced to close.  Are you too blind or too proud to recognize your failure has been your abandonment of the biblically fundamental principles upon which you were founded?

Your founders dedicated your institutions to serve churches that believed and trusted you would train their youth to serve and sacrifice their all for the Lord.  Sadly, your closed doors and shuttered windows are a testament to your rejection of the very constituency you were to serve.

With the broken heart of a shepherd,

Pastor Travis D. Smith

Copyright 2015 – Travis D. Smith