HBC photoChange is inevitable for us all; however, your attitude toward change can be an inducement to joy or grief, anticipation or trepidation.  Change for the sake of change can be both contrived and foolish.  I know of many ministries in the throes of trouble because their leadership fell for the adage “change or die” and endeavored to be contemporary with a world that is at odds with God and is the enemy of His church (1 John 2:15-17).

Things do change; however, some things must never change: 1) God is eternal and immutable [“I am the Lord, I change not” – Malachi 3:6]; 2) “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever” (Hebrews 13:8); 3) the Word of God and spiritual principles do not change [“the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand” – Proverbs 19:21; “His truth endureth to all generations” – Psalm 100:5)].

As a whole, the church in America is in the throes of change, driven by the winds of political correctness that will inevitably demand God’s judgment on the nation and the people who bear His name.  Hillsdale has changed over the years with the passing of time and leadership; however, this ministry endeavors to be true to God, His Word and our godly legacy. Someone recently visited Hillsdale after a long absence and commented, “it feels like the same Hillsdale.”  Another individual commented they felt like they had returned to their spiritual roots when they came to Hillsdale.

The greatest change at Hillsdale in the past 20 years was the founding of Hillsdale Christian Academy.HCA header

Recognizing the secular philosophy of public schools and observing the failure of many Christian schools to impart a worldview that is biblical and Christ-centered, moved us to found HCA in 2005. The beginning of HCA Virtual School (grades 6th-12th) this year is the culmination of a vision to give Hillsdale families an opportunity for education in a Christian environment they know and trust. It is not too late to enroll in Hillsdale Christian Academy this fall!

With love and a shepherd’s heart,

Pastor Travis D. Smith

Copyright 2015 – Travs D. Smith