clockThe following is the pastor’s bulletin letter for this Sunday, January 17, 2016.

Incredible as it seems, this Sunday marks the third Sunday of January 2016!  I remember in the bliss of youth wondering if tomorrow would ever come, and today I cherish minutes and hours realizing the flight of time and life.  Moses, the author of Psalm 90 wrote, “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom” (90:12).  The literal meaning of that last phrase is, “come to wisdom”.

old ageIn my study of Psalm 119 this week it occurred to me, “Old age is no cure for stupid” (Psalm 119:100).  Penning this brief letter as a gray-headed pastor, I have learned that “older and wiser” are not necessarily co-existing realities.   A young person can apply their hearts to godly wisdom and be the wiser; however, an elder can play the fool by rejecting God’s Truth and be both old and spiritually stupid!   It is my prayer your worship and time of study in God’s Word at Hillsdale this Sunday will find you both older and wiser at the end of the hour!

HerbsterThe Herbster Evangelistic Team will be ministering with us Sunday-Thursday, February 14-18.  Along with dynamic music, you have an opportunity to invite unsaved family and friends to hear a young tremendous evangelist preach the Gospel.  Knowing how much Hillsdale enjoys food and fellowship, you can imagine the delicious opportunities this week will avail you and your loved ones. More later…..

With love and a shepherd’s heart,

Pastor Travis D. Smith

Copyright 2016 – Travis D. Smith