slide01I am excited to be back in Hillsdale’s pulpit this Sunday morning and worshipping with our church family!  With the holidays behind us and a new year before us, we begin a new sermon series this Sunday studying Paul’s first epistle to Timothy

First Timothy is full of rich instructions for the 21st century church and it is my prayer that God will do a great work in our church and families as we study His Word.dr-fred-adams-of-sword-deaf-bible-college

Dr. Fred Adams of Sword Deaf Ministries will minister to our church family in Hillsdale’s 6:00 PM service.  Dr. Adams has served the Lord as a pastor, full-time evangelist, and Bible college administrator.  He and his wife Sherrie have been instrumental in assisting churches to start numerous deaf ministries and in September 1999 founded sdbc_logoSword Deaf Bible College located in Clinton, TN, just outside Knoxville.  Dr. Adams will be accompanied by “Hands of Praise”, a Deaf ensemble that represents the college.

With the Heart of a Shepherd,

Pastor Travis D. Smith

Copyright 2017 – Travis D. Smith