Sunday, May 28, 2017

Daily reading assignment – Galatians 1-3

Good morning!

Today’s Bible reading is from the apostle Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia, Galatians 1-3.   I hope to publish a commentary on today’s scripture; however, my priority this morning is my final preparation for today’s worship service at Hillsdale Baptist Church.

For those interested, my morning sermon this Lord’s Day is from Jeremiah 45:1-5 and titled, “Seekest Thou Great Things? Seek Them Not!”, Jeremiah’s exhortation to his scribe Baruch (Jeremiah 45:45:5).  My purpose is to exhort God’s people to set their affections on the eternal and not on the temporal (Matthew 6:19-21).  The choir will be singing a beautiful new anthem titled, “Only God”.

Finally, to those who have served in our military and for some whose loved ones paid the ultimate sacrifice—thank you!  The debt of gratitude owed to those who died serving and preserving our nation’s independence and liberties is incalculable and can never be repaid.  We, the citizens of these United States, are the stewards of our nation’s liberties, secured by the sacrifices of others!

With the heart of a shepherd,

Pastor Travis D. Smith

Copyright 2017 – Travis D. Smith