Dear Hillsdale family, friends and Followers of Heart of a Shepherd:
While the vast majority of financial gifts to Hillsdale’s Hurricane Relief Fund have come from within our church family, there are some who are friends of this pastor’s blog who have also contributed and deserve an update on our use of donations.
Donations to date total over $18,000.00. We have financially supported the following:
- Hillsdale’s hurricane relief team’s flight to Houston following Hurricane Harvey.
- Hillsdale rented and sent two trucks loaded with over 40 appliances to Marathon, FL. Special thanks to Famous Tate and the Horst family for donating a full truck load of appliances and to ABC Appliances and Services for donating appliances and selling used appliances at cost. Marathon Baptist Church distributed the appliances to needy families.
This week we are expecting a $12,000 expenditure of funds for the following:
- $4000.00 in fuel costs for two planes to fly water and supplies into Carolina, Puerto Rico to Calvary Baptist Tabernacle Church, Schools and Bible College (Pastor Johnny Daniels – he has been a missionary pastor for nearly 50 years in the Caribbean).
2. $2,500 in fuel costs for a commercial plane loaded with food and water to fly into Dominica.
3. $5500.00 towards the purchase and shipment of a 500 kw Diesel Generator to Calvary Baptist Tabernacle Church, Schools and Bible College (the total cost of the generator with shipment by boat is $55,000.
4. The balance of funds will be used in our mission relief to South Florida…either in purchasing goods or paying for shipments.
For many who have given, thank you for allowing Hillsdale Baptist Church to serve as a conduit of your gifts.
For others who are wanting to give to those in need and be assured your gifts are going where needed, please go to; look for the Donations button at the top and you can set up to give through your bank to Hillsdale. Be sure to type in beside “Other”, Hurricane Relief. Of course, your gifts are tax-deductible.
With the heart of a shepherd,
Pastor Travis D. Smith