Hillsdale family and Heart of a Shepherd Followers,
October is Hillsdale’s Missions Emphasis Month and we are enjoying having some of our own missionaries reporting and introducing missionaries new to our church family. Our missionary to Lebanon, Fady Maalouf was with us Sunday, October 8 and this past Sunday we enjoyed having missionary pilot Dave Spangler and his wife Sharon present their ministry in the Caribbean and his aviation work with Operation Renewed Hope (he flew Hillsdale’s relief team to Houston after Hurricane Harvey).
I am looking forward to having missionaries to Ecuador, South America and Togo, West Africa with us this Sunday, October 22, 2017. Hillsdale has supported Raymond and Anita Bradley, missionaries to Ecuador for over two decades. The Bradleys are involved in church planting and teaching and reaching the deaf for Christ. Bro. Bradley will be teaching a combined Adult Bible Fellowship Class in the auditorium for our 9:15 AM service and preaching in the 10:30 AM service after I share a lesson on Faith Promise Missions Giving.
I am especially looking forward to Hillsdale meeting Mr. Yaovi Kpogno, a national from Togo who upon finishing his Masters of Divinity Degree will be returning to Togo to begin a ministry of evangelism, church planting and eventually a Christian school. Bro. Yaovi will be teaching our Teens in the 9:15 AM hour.
This Sunday night, 6:00 PM, Hillsdale will celebrate our annual Missions Conference Banquet with an African theme in the Friendship Hall. Bro. Yaovi will share his testimony, calling and give us an introduction to his native Togo, West Africa.
With a shepherd’s heart,
Pastor Travis D. Smith
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