Sunday, October 22, 2017
Scripture Reading – James 1-3
Dear Hillsdale family and Heart of a Shepherd followers,
If you are continuing in our “Read-Thru the Bible” challenge for 2017, today’s scripture reading is the Book of James, chapters 1-3. Like many of you, this is a day of worship and ministry for me and I will be unable to post my daily devotional commentary.
Hillsdale is continuing our monthlong missions emphasis and I am looking forward to fellowshipping with dear servants of the LORD who have committed their lives to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Missionaries to Ecuador, Raymond and Anita Bradly will be reporting on their ministry to the deaf in that South American country in our 9:15 am and 10:30 am services.
Missionary appointee, Yaovi Kpogno, a national from Togo will be teaching our Teens in the 9:15 am hour and sharing his testimony in tonight’s Missions Conference Banquet (6:00 PM).
With the heart of a shepherd,
Pastor Travis D. Smith