Friday, November 24, 2017
Daily reading assignment – Zechariah 8-14
Today’s Scripture reading continues the prophecies of Zechariah which we began last week. Zechariah was a young prophet and a contemporary of the elder prophet Haggai. The two men ministered together in Jerusalem at the time a remnant of the Jews returned to rebuild the temple.
While the focus of Haggai’s prophecies was to encourage the people to finish rebuilding the temple, the prophecies of Zechariah had a far-reaching context, not only applicable to the world of his day, but also the world at the Second Coming of Christ as Messiah and the end of time.
The passages of Scripture assigned to today’s reading consist of seven chapters and are too long for me to do a sufficient job in writing a brief devotional commentary.
In the midst of enjoying family over the holiday, I hope you’ll seek a private time with the Lord and His Word.
With the heart of the shepherd,
Pastor Travis D. Smith
Copyright 2017 – Travis D. Smith