Sunday, December 10, 2017
Scripture Reading – 2 John
Dear Hillsdale family and Heart of a Shepherd followers,
Today’s scripture reading is the Second Epistle of John. For those following our “Read-Thru the Bible” plan for 2017, we are 21 days from completing this spiritual discipline together! Well done! I will not post a devotional commentary this Sunday so that my time and meditations can be dedicated to preparing for Hillsdale’s 10:30 AM worship service.
You are invited to join us for tonight’s 6:00 PM service when Hillsdale will be presenting and broadcasting a live performance of “Home for Christmas”. The play is written by our own Mrs. Cindy Herlocker and directed by Dr. Melissa Cancel. Mr. Travis Henry is directing the music as Hillsdale’s children’s choir joins the adult choir for a heart moving performance of “Home for Christmas”. Admission is free.
With the heart of a shepherd,
Pastor Travis D. Smith