Dear Heart of a Shepherd Follower,
Across America are churches that were once bastions of Bible preaching, but have become mere shadows of their past. Churches where great songs and hymns of the Christian faith once resonated, are host to congregations mumbling their way through “7-11 choruses” (seven word choruses repeated eleven times).
Usually led by a “Vocal Team” and backed by a band pounding out a deafening beat, CONGREGATIONAL SINGING, if not dead, is dying. How did we get here?
I am writing to commend to you an excellent article on Hymnody authored by Dr. Theodore Martens.
Dr. Martens is a man whom I respect for his love of the LORD and his many years of faithful ministry. He is a scholar of the Scriptures and a great communicator. A retired Pastor, College Professor, Seminary Teacher, and Writer; Dr. Martens is a member of Hillsdale Baptist Church, a regular teacher in Hillsdale’s Wednesday night Bible Institute, and my revered friend.
On the subject of song, hymn, music, and context, Dr Marten’s writes in his article:
With the heart of a shepherd,
Pastor Travis D. Smith
Copyright 2020 – Travis D. Smith