Daily reading assignment – 1 Chronicles 1-2
As stated in its name, 1 & 2 Chronicles in the Scriptures is a “chronicle,” a historical record of events in the history of Israel as a nation and her kings. There are many events recorded in 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, and 2 Kings that are not recorded in the Chronicles. There are also events recorded in the Chronicles that are omitted in the other historical books.
As far as the Chronicles and their author, it is believed by many that Ezra is the human author, and they were written sometime after the Babylonian captivity. For novices of a “Read Thru the Bible” plan, you may find the ancestral record of names in the first nine chapters of 1 Chronicles to be uninteresting and dull. However, the genealogies were invaluable to the Hebrews in establishing the priesthood, the distribution of ancestral lands, and later the the lineages of Israel’s kings.
1 Chronicles 1
The first chapter of 1 Chronicles establishes the lineage of Adam to Noah, as well as the lineage of his sons after the Genesis Flood (1:1-54). The famous and the infamous are named here, and for students of Bible history and human history, the genealogical record is rich!
The individual genealogies of Noah’s sons are recorded: the sons of Japheth (1:5-7), sons of Ham (1:8-16), and the sons of Shem (1:17-54). The patriarchs of ancient Middle Eastern kingdoms are chronicled, including Abraham, Isaac, and Ishmael who were descendants of Shem’s lineage (1:27-28).
1 Chronicles 2
1 Chronicles 2 accounts for the lineages of Jacob’s twelve sons, the patriarchs of the Twelve Tribes of Israel (2:1-2). Of particular interest is the genealogical record of Judah, the father of the royal tribe, and his five sons (2:3-5). From the tribe of Judah will be born David, Israel’s future king (2:15); Solomon; and ultimately the Lord Jesus Christ (note that Mary, the mother of Jesus, and Joseph were both of the tribe of Judah).
Some reading this devotional commentary might wonder, “What is so important about a list of names?”
If you were Hebrew, your proof of lineage was essential if you hoped to have a legitimate claim to an inheritance of land, possessions, titles, and privileges! A genealogical record proving one’s bloodline was indispensable in Israel. Tribal and family lands were passed from generation to generation based on the genealogical record of one’s ancestry.
For most, lineage is important when it comes to the subject of inheritance, nevertheless, it is temporal at best. Your inheritance of lands, possessions, and monies will eventually pass to others.
“What about your spiritual inheritance?”
We are all the sons and daughters of Adam, the first man, and sinners by nature. We were born under the curse of sin which is death.
Paul writes in his letter to believers in Corinth, “For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive” (1 Corinthians 15:22). If you have confessed you are a sinner and trusted Jesus Christ as your Savior Redeemer, you are a child of God “by faith in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:26-29).
You may be a pauper by physical lineage, but your spiritual lineage in Christ makes you an heir of His righteousness and eternal life!
Remember, without proof of lineage, one’s claim of inheritance is in vain!
Copyright 2020 – Travis D. Smith