You are invited to join Hillsdale Baptist Church for our Virtual Worship Services this Sunday morning, April 26, 2020.

Hillsdale’s Youth Pastor, Justin Jarrett, will be teaching the Teen Bible Study that will be broadcast at 9:45 AM on and on Hillsdale’s Facebook Page. Pastor Jarrett is continuing his series in the Book of James with the title this week, “The Sin of Partiality: Do You Really “Love ALL OF Your Neighbors?” a study of James 2:5-13.

Please Note: A reboot of our live broadcast may follow the close of the Teen Bible Study; however, Hillsdale’s live broadcast of the morning service will return well before 10:30 AM.

Hillsdale’s morning worship hour will begin at 10:30 AM on and on Hillsdale’s Facebook Page. Hillsdale’s pastoral staff will be singing, “Everlasting God” and Music Pastor Steve Armstrong will be singing a majestic song titled, “The LORD is My Light” before the message of the hour.

The message for this Sunday is taken from Psalm 10 and titled, “Trust No One; Question Everything; The LORD is KING Forever!”  We will consider two portraits from Psalm 10: The Portrait of the Wicked and The Appeal of the Righteous to the LORD.

You are invited to print this week’s student notes for the message. Trust No One; Question Everything – Psalm 10 – April 26, 2020 AM student blank

With the heart of a shepherd,

Pastor Travis D. Smith