Daily reading assignment – 2 Samuel 5; 1 Chronicles 11-12; Psalm 122

Remembering we are following a chronological schedule for reading the scriptures, you will notice today’s reading assignment is for two parallel passages: 2 Samuel 5 and 1 Chronicles 11-12, and Psalm 122.

The date for Psalm 122 is uncertain; however, it is a song of David that was sung as priests (and possibly pilgrims) ascended Mt. Moriah where the Temple was located.

Today’s devotional commentary will focus on the coronation of David by the Twelve Tribes of Israel (2 Samuel 5:1-6; 2 Chronicles 11:1-3) and the great warriors who were numbered among his “mighty men” (1 Chronicles 11:6-47).

Following the death of King Saul, David had been crowned king by the tribe of Judah in Hebron (2 Samuel 2:4). Civil war lasting seven and one-half years had followed Saul’s death when men chose Ishbosheth, the son of King Saul, in opposition to the LORD’S will (some in Israel knowing Samuel had anointed David to be that nation’s next king).

Following the death of Ishbosheth (2 Samuel 4:12), the elders of the Twelve Tribes of Israel assembled at Hebron and anointed David to be king (2 Samuel 5:1-3). David was thirty years old when he was crowned king in Judah (5:4) and thirty-seven or thirty-eight years old when he was anointed king of all Israel (5:5). Altogether, David would reign as king for forty years.

David’s first task was to inspire his army to take the strong hold of mount Zion, held up to that time by the Jebusites (5:6-8). Zion, where David would found the city of Jerusalem, was the highest peak in the mountain range that bordered between the tribal lands of Judah and Benjamin. It was a natural stronghold with three valleys on either side of the mount and only the northside was vulnerable to siege.

Because of its natural strengths, the Jebusites boasted blind and lame men could hold the fortress against a siege (5:6). David challenged his army with a promise to make as his captain the man who would secure Zion for his capital (1 Chronicles 11:6).  Joab aspired to the challenge and became the chief captain of David’s armies (11:6).

David proved to be a brilliant tactician in war and inspired a host of men who became mighty (11:10-47) and loyal servants (12:1-40).  

Soon after being crowned king, David faced his first challenge as the Philistines stirred their armies to battle, eager to take advantage of Israel’s transition in leadership (2 Samuel 5:17). Two battles with the Philistines are recorded in 2 Samuel 5:18-25.

What was the secret to King David’s greatness? Was it his skills as a warrior? Was it his keen strategy as a leader? No! The secret to David’s success is found in where he looked for wisdom, insight, and direction.

2 Samuel 5:19-25 – Three Keys to David’s Success

  1. “David enquired of the LORD” (5:19), and when God said go to war, he went to war.
  2. “David and his men burned” (5:21) the idols of the Philistines and in so doing obeyed God’s Law (Deuteronomy 7:5, 25).
  3. “David enquired of the LORD” (5:23), and when God commanded, “Thou shalt not go up” (as he had before), he obeyed and waited on the LORD to tell him not only the WAY, but also the WHEN (5:24-25).

Those same keys for success must be followed by every believer who desires the LORD’S blessings on his life and family.

When you face the challenge of what to do, follow David’s path: 1) Pray; 2) Be faithful and obey the LORD; 3) Wait until the LORD has revealed not only the WAY, but also the WHEN to move forward.

The secret to David’s greatness was not his skill in battle or the mighty men who surrounded him; it was that “the LORD of hosts was with him” (1 Chronicles 11:9).

Copyright 2020 – Travis D. Smith