Dear Heart of a Shepherd Readers,
I am not one given to self-promotion; however, there are subjects I address in the pulpit at Hillsdale that I wish were preached in every pulpit across America. Unfortunately, just the opposite is true. I find few pastors willing to confront the sins of society and honestly address the spiritual issues of our day.
I fear the majority of churches in America will never hear anything more from their pastors than a spirit of compromise and appeasement when it comes to honestly confronting and addressing the social issues that are tearing at the soul and moral fiber of the United States.
I am writing to invite you to listen to this past Sunday’s introductory sermon in the Prophetic Book of Isaiah.
You can also watch a video of the same sermon on Facebook that begins at the about the 37:00 minute mark in the service.
I encourage you to have your Bible in hand and follow me as I go systematically through Isaiah 1:1-10. I will address the moral failings of the United States, using the backdrop of the cyclical nature of the rise and fall of nations that is illustrated in God’s warning of judgment to Judah that was delivered by His prophet Isaiah.
I promise to end the sermon on an encouraging note.
With the heart of a shepherd,