Please find attached to this brief letter of greeting the student notes for this Sunday’s Adult Bible Fellowship Study (9:15 AM prayer; the lesson will be broadcast around 9:25), and the student notes for our 10:30 AM worship service.
The ABF class is currently studying the Book of Proverbs, and my title this morning is, “Taming the Tongue,” a study of Proverbs 15:1-10. Proverbs 15 – A Synopsis student blank
My message for the 10:30 AM worship hour is titled, “The Character of the Apostate Church,” and is taken from my current series in the Epistle of Second Timothy. 02 – The Character of the Apostate Church – 2 Timothy 3.1-5 – part 1 student half blank
Notes are attached for you to print out, and follow for our live broadcasts.
With the heart of a shepherd,
Travis D. Smith
Senior Pastor
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