Scripture reading – Psalm 62; Psalm 64

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There is a familiar refrain in today’s Scripture reading, like many of the psalms authored by David. While I cannot confidently say the occasion that inspired Psalm 62 and Psalm 64, the subject and content fit the trauma and sorrow he suffered when Absalom led an insurrection against him. Each of the Psalms affords us an insight into the wicked bent of men and their nature. This Bible study is of Psalm 62. [The use of brackets indicates this author’s amplification of word meanings.]

David’s Confidence and Dependence in the LORD (Psalm 62:1-2)

Though hated by his son and hunted by those who wished to kill him, David declared his faith in the LORD and said:

Psalm 62:1–21Truly [Surely] my soul waiteth [rests] upon God: From him cometh my salvation [help]. 2He [God] only is my rock [fortress] and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved [not stagger or falter].

If ever there was a man who had cause for a “panic attack” or paralyzing anxieties, it was David. Though driven from his palace by his son and pursued by evil men, the king’s faith in the LORD stilled his soul. David confidently declared that the LORD was his Rock, Fortress, Salvation, and Defense. With boldness, the king proclaimed, “I shall not be greatly moved” (Psalm 62:2).

David’s Observation: Evil Preys Upon the Weak (Psalm 62:3-4)


David’s song invited Israel to consider the moral decline of men and how they prey upon those they despise. While I cannot say with certainty, I wonder if the king had Shimei’s curses in mind when he penned verse 3 (note 2 Samuel 16:7-13).

Psalm 62:33How long will ye imagine mischief [lit. verbally assault and shout] against a man? Ye shall be slain [struck down; killed] all of you: As a bowing [bending] wall shall ye be, and as a tottering [broken] fence.

Reflecting on the ways of the wicked, David continued, “They [the wicked] only consult [plan; plot] to cast him down from his excellency [dignity; high character]: They delight [take pleasure] in lies: They bless [praise] with their mouth, but they curse [disdain] inwardly. Selah” (Psalm 62:4).

David’s musings on the ways of the wicked were recorded 3,000 years ago; however, nothing has changed! His portrayal of the character of evil is mirrored everywhere in our world. Dishonest politicians, liberal media, and powerbrokers lie, distort, and destroy the testimony of good men and women. They probe for weaknesses, and should they discover them, they attack with a vengeance.

When evil men cannot find a notable fault, they court the favor of the righteous on the pretense of being their friend, only to curse them behind their backs. It is the nature of evil men to sting a good man’s reputation with lies and assault his character. We should not be surprised when a godly man is attacked by those who intend to break his spirit and bring him to shame.

How should believers respond when they face the cruel, unrelenting attacks of the wicked? (Psalm 62:5-7)

David modeled the answer to that question in the balance of Psalm 62. The king stated his confidence in the LORD; therefore, he would Wait on the LORD and hope in Him (Psalm 62:5). He declared the LORD alone was his Rock, Fortress, Salvation, Defense, and Refuge (Psalm 62:6-7).

David’s Observation: Evil Preys Upon the Weak (Psalm 62:3-4)


David’s song invited Israel to consider the moral decline of men and how they prey upon those they despise. While I say with certainty, I wonder if the king had Shimei’s curses in mind when he penned verse 3 (note 2 Samuel 16:7-13).

Psalm 62:33How long will ye imagine mischief [lit. verbally assault and shout] against a man? Ye shall be slain [struck down; killed] all of you: As a bowing [bending] wall shall ye be, and as a tottering [broken] fence.

Reflecting on the ways of the wicked, David continued, “They [the wicked] only consult [plan; plot] to cast him down from his excellency [dignity; high character]: They delight [take pleasure] in lies: They bless [praise] with their mouth, but they curse [disdain] inwardly. Selah” (Psalm 62:4).

David’s musings on the ways of the wicked were recorded 3,000 years ago; however, nothing has changed! His portrayal of the character of evil is mirrored everywhere in our world. Dishonest politicians, liberal media, and powerbrokers lie, distort, and destroy the testimony of good men and women. They probe for weaknesses, and should they discover them, they attack with a vengeance.

When evil men cannot find a notable fault, they court the favor of the righteous on the pretense of being their friend, only to curse them behind their backs. It is the nature of evil men to sting a good man’s reputation with lies and assault his character. We should not be surprised when a godly man is attacked by those who intend to break his spirit and bring him to shame.

How should believers respond when they face the cruel, unrelenting attacks of the wicked? (Psalm 62:5-7)

David modeled the answer to that question in the balance of Psalm 62. The king stated his confidence in the LORD; therefore, he would Wait on the LORD and hope in Him (Psalm 62:5). He declared the LORD alone was his Rock, Fortress, Salvation, Defense, and Refuge (Psalm 62:6-7).

Copyright © 2023 – Travis D. Smith

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