Dear Heart of A Shepherd subscribers,

We are in the second year of a two-year chronological Scripture reading schedule focused on ancient Israel and Judah’s spiritual decline into moral decadence. Of course, the parallels to our day are applicable and impossible to ignore (assuming we are willing to be honest and objective).

Having you as part of my worldwide family of readers is a privilege. I count it a spiritual responsibility to impart the truths of the Holy Scriptures faithfully and make observations and applications to our 21st-century world.

Because I am a United States citizen, my interpretation of the Old Testament prophecies against Israel and Judah gives me cause to reflect on my own country’s spiritual decline and moral morass. Yet, in 2023, Heart of A Shepherd had an international readership that comprised 241 nations and territories. In particular, I find citizens of Canada, the European Union (especially the United Kingdom), and a vast array of other free nations bemoan the spiritual failures and decline of their nations.

I pray my daily Bible studies will afford you spiritual insights that encourage you to share the truths you learn.

I challenge you to share and invite others to subscribe and follow www.HeartofAShepherd.

With the heart of a shepherd,

Travis D. Smith

Senior Pastor

Copyright © 2023 – Travis D. Smith 

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