Scripture reading – Jeremiah 33


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Our chronological study of the Scriptures brings us to Jeremiah 33, where we find Jeremiah, a prisoner of King Zedekiah (Jeremiah 33:1). For what cause was the prophet of the LORD “shut up” in prison? It was because he dared to speak the word of the LORD and prophesy all that was revealed to him. Jeremiah testified against the king and nation, saying that all that would come to pass was because of the people’s sins (Jeremiah 32:2-5).

I remind my fellow readers that times have not changed. Desperate men will take desperate measures, and King Zedekiah was not the exception. With the army of Babylon outside Jerusalem’s walls, it was evident that all Jeremiah had foretold was coming to pass. Proud and foolish, rather than humble himself, Zedekiah unlawfully imprisoned the prophet to silence him as the author of Proverbs 29 observed, “When the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn” (Proverbs 29:2).


Jeremiah 33


Who is the LORD? (Jeremiah 33:1-13)

Fortunately, the book of Jeremiah reminds us that, though imprisoned, the LORD did not forsake His prophet. He continued to put His Word in Jeremiah’s heart (Jeremiah 33:2).

The LORD came to Jeremiah and reminded His prophet that He is “Yahweh,” the God who makes and keeps covenant with His people (Jeremiah 33:2). The same God who had the power to create (Jeremiah 33:2) can keep His promises and hear and answer prayer (Jeremiah 33:3). The LORD encouraged Jeremiah that He would show him “great and mighty things, which [Jeremiah knew] not” (33:3).

Who is the LORD?

The Character of the LORD (Jeremiah 33:5-13)

The LORD assured Jeremiah that He was just, and His judgment was sure. While the king and the leaders of Jerusalem strengthened their defenses, Jeremiah was told the battlements would fail and their homes would be filled with the bodies of the dead (Jeremiah 33:5).

Yet, God would not forsake His people, and the prophet foretold the day Judah would be delivered from captivity and restored to the land (Jeremiah 33:6-7). On that day, the LORD would not only restore His people, but He would promise to “cleanse them from all their iniquity, whereby they have sinned against me; and I will pardon all their iniquities, whereby they have sinned, and whereby they have transgressed against me” (Jeremiah 33:8). 

On that day, the nations of the earth would witness Judah’s restoration and the rebuilding of Jerusalem. The heathen would look upon God’s blessings in awe (Jeremiah 33:9). God’s judgment would leave Judah desolate and the cities in ruin. Nevertheless, the LORD promised the day would come when the towns and villages of Judah would be filled with the sounds of joy and youthful voices (Jeremiah 33:10-13).


The Coming Messiah King (Jeremiah 33:14-26)

Some in Judah rejected the prophecies of the coming of a Messiah King. They discouraged the people and contended that the God of Israel had forsaken them (Jeremiah 33:24). The LORD answered the naysayers and declared:

“Behold the days come…that I will perform that good thing which I have promised …15In those days, and at that time, will I cause the Branch of righteousness to grow up unto David; and he shall execute judgment and righteousness in the land. 16In those days shall Judah be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell safely: and this is the name wherewith she shall be called, The Lord our righteousness” (Jeremiah 33:14-16)

Only One could fulfill that Messianic prophecy: He is Jesus Christ! Only Christ is of the lineage of David (being born of the virgin Mary, who was of David’s line and adopted by Joseph, who was a “son of David,” Matthew 1:1, 20). Christ alone is the altogether Righteous One. When He comes again, He will rule in justice and save His people (Jeremiah 33:15-16). On that day, Christ will reign eternal (Revelation 19:16; 22:16), and He will serve as the Mediator and Intercessor of His people (Hebrews 7:24-28).

God’s promises never fail!

Closing thoughts –

How sure are God’s covenant promises? They are as inevitable as the rising and setting sun (Jeremiah 33:19-21, 25). The same God who set the seasons and times of the rising and setting sun will fulfill His covenant. What did that mean for Jeremiah and those who would be led away as captives of Babylon? The LORD promised, “I will cause their captivity to return, and have mercy on them” (Jeremiah 33:26).

Believer, tyranny abounds in our world, and I am reminded that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12). I cannot think of a nation, including my own United States, that does not have evidence of the signs of wicked leaders in high places. How will you respond when government agencies move to silence and dare you to speak the Word of the LORD?

Friend, may the rising and setting sun remind you that God’s promises never fail!

Copyright © 2024 – Travis D. Smith 

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