Scripture reading – Ezekiel 28

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Ezekiel 28 continued God’s displeasure with the nations that had taken joy in the destruction of Jerusalem. Tyrus, a great city of ancient times, was addressed in Ezekiel 26 and 27 and continues to be the subject of our study in Ezekiel 28.

The Scriptures declare that demonic forces are present in the governments of the nations of the world. For instance, Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12).

That truth is evident when we consider the LORD commanded Ezekiel to speak to Tyrus; however, his subject was the king, the “prince [king] of Tyrus” (Ezekiel 28:2). The verses that followed revealed the king was more than a mere mortal. He represented the embodiment of evil.


The Prophecy of the Fall of the King of Tyrus (Ezekiel 28:1-10)

Provoked by the pride of the king of Tyrus, the LORD stated an indictment against that ruler (Ezekiel 28:2-5). Proud and foolish, the king of Tyrus boasted, “I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas” (Ezekiel 28:2a).  The LORD, however, rebuked the king and said, “Thou art a man, and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God” (Ezekiel 28:2).  

Boasting he was a god, the king took pride in his intelligence and bragged he was wiser than the prophet Daniel. He suggested he was omniscient and that no secret was hidden from him (Ezekiel 28:3). Shrewd in commerce, the king’s heart was “lifted up because of [his] riches” (Ezekiel 28:5).

Fourfold Judgment of the King of Tyrus

Fourfold Judgment of the King of Tyrus (Ezekiel 28:6-10)

Remembering that “pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18), we are not surprised when we read that the LORD declared he would destroy the proud king of Tyrus.  

Because he boasted he was a god, the LORD determined He would “bring strangers” upon Tyus who would “draw their swords” against that city (Ezekiel 28:7). Though he believed his kingdom was unconquerable, the LORD declared He would stir up the king of Babylon (i.e., “the terrible of the nations,” Ezekiel 28:7), Nebuchadnezzar would bring his army against Tyrus and bring its king to a violent end (Ezekiel 28:8).

The defeat of the king of Tyrus would be so great that the world would look upon him and know that he was a man, a mere mortal (Ezekiel 28:8-9). His death would come by “the hand of strangers” (Ezekiel 29:10).


King of Tyrus Served as a Symbol of Satan (Ezekiel 28:11-19) 

Here, we find recorded a contrast between the pride of the king of Tyrus and that of Satan. Like the king, Lucifer (Satan) boasted against God (Isaiah 14:12-15). In reality, the king of Tyrus was a puppet in the hand of that evil one.

Ezekiel records a depiction of the fallen angel, Lucifer (Ezekiel 28:12-19), who in his creation was the model of perfection, “full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty” (Ezekiel 28:12). Only of Satan could it be said, “thou hast been in Eden the garden of God” (Ezekiel 28:13).

Like the ephod of the high priest of Israel whose breastplate was adorned with precious stones (Exodus 28:15-20; 39:10-13), Lucifer had been a being of beauty, and was created by God (Ezekiel 28:13b). He was a musician (i.e., “thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created,” Ezekiel 28:13c), and served as the guardian cherub about the throne of God (Ezekiel 28:14). Lucifer was created a sinless being and was “perfect in [his] ways” before sin entered him (Ezekiel 28:15).

As Satan was cast out of heaven (Ezekiel 28:16-17), the king of Tyrus would be cast from his throne and made a spectacle, for he dared boast against the God of heaven (Ezekiel 28:18-19).

King of Tyre Served as a Symbol of Sat

Prophecy Against Zidon (Ezekiel 28:20-23)

Beginning with Ezekiel 28:20, the focus shifted from Tyrus to Zidon, a sister city of Tyrus located some 20 miles north of the capital city. Like Tyrus, Zidon would suffer calamitous destruction. “Pestilence” (plagues, disease, sickness) and the blood of violence and war would stain Zidon’s streets (Ezekiel 28:23).



What was the LORD’s purpose for executing judgment and bringing suffering and heartache upon Tyrus and Zidon? The LORD declared it was to the end that He would be glorified, and the nations would know that He is “the Lord,” would see His judgments and acknowledge He is holy (Ezekiel 28:22-23).

Tyrus and Zidon would be annihilated, for they had been like a thorn to Israel (Ezekiel 28:24). However, the LORD promised He would gather “the house of Israel” and return His people to their land (Ezekiel 28:24-25). Peace and prosperity would be restored to God’s people, and they would “dwell safely…build houses, and plant vineyards…[and] dwell with confidence” (Ezekiel 28:26; 2 Chronicles 36:22-23; Ezra 1).

What events have or are happening in your life that the LORD wants to use to move you to acknowledge Him as LORD?

Copyright © 2024 – Travis D. Smith 

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