Scripture reading – Matthew 13
Jesus taught eight parables in today’s Scripture reading (Matthew 13). The Parable of the Soils is usually identified as the “Parable of the Sower” (Matthew 13:3-23); the Parable of the Wheat and Tares (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43); the Parable of the Mustard Seed (Matthew 13:31-32); the Parable of the Leaven (Matthew 13:33); the Parable of the Hidden Treasure (Matthew 13:44); the Parable of the Pearl (Matthew 13:45-46), the Parable of the Net (Matthew 13:47-50), and the Parable of the Householder (Matthew 13:51-52).
The Parable of the Soils (Matthew 13:3-23) is the focus of this Bible study. Here, we find four soil types that serve as metaphors for the spiritual condition of men’s hearts.
Consider with me: The wayside (Matthew 13:4, 19), the stony places (Matthew 13:5-6, 20-21), the thorny ground (Matthew 13:7, 22), and the good ground (Matthew 13:8, 23).
Three Familiar Elements are Identified in the Parable of the Soils (Matthew 13:3-9)
The first was the Sower, who “went forth to sow” (Matthew 13:3). Unlike modern farmers who utilize tractors and plows, the work of a first-century farmer was physically demanding. Before the Industrial Age (the late 18th to mid-19th centuries), when farming was mechanized, a farmer and his family would labor in the fields from sunrise to sunset.
With callused hands and crude farm implements a farmer would labor to prepare the second element of the parable, the Soil. After breaking up the ground with his plow, he would follow with a tool that formed furrows in the soil for the third element – the Seed. With the soil prepared, the farmer would take a bag containing precious seed and, with measured strides and simple flicks of his wrist, begin scattering seed across the field. Each seed was precious, containing the potential of life and eventually harvest. Yet, despite the farmer’s careful labor, some seeds would rest upon inadequate soils that brought little to no benefit to sustain life or bear fruit.
In the Parable of the Soils (a metaphor for man’s heart), Jesus identified four soil types, but only one of the four accepted seed and bore fruit. The ground described as the “wayside” was a footpath the farmer and his neighbors took as they passed by adjoining fields. Wayside soil was hardened and unacceptable for growth. The seed that fell along this path was crushed underfoot or snatched away by birds (Matthew 13:4).
Like the hardened wayside soil, “stony” ground was equally undesirable. Seed falling on rocks and stones in such a field had little opportunity for growth (Matthew 13:5-6). Farmers were also forced to contend with “thorny ground.” Thorns and weeds were a constant menace in such fields and a reminder of the curse due to Adam’s sin (Genesis 3:17-19). Thorny ground represented an unending challenge, as thorns and weeds robbed good seeds of the moisture and sun necessary for plants to take root and thrive (Matthew 13:7).
Finally, there was the “good ground.” Made soft and fertile by the plow, seeds that fell upon good ground would sprout, set root, and eventually bear much fruit: “Some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold” (Matthew 13:8).
What point was Jesus making in the Parable of the Sower and the Soils? (Matthew 13:10-13)
The disciples asked Jesus, “Why speakest thou unto them in parables?” (Matthew 13:10) In other words, why teach spiritual truths and veil them in simple narratives?
Jesus answered, “Because it is given [committed] unto you [His disciples] to know [understand] the mysteriesof the kingdom of heaven [knowledge known only by divine revelation], but to them [others not of their number]it is not given” (Matthew 13:11).
Like the disciples, faithful followers of Christ are genuine in their desire to hear and understand spiritual truths (Matthew 13:11). Nevertheless, many who followed Jesus were insincere and continued in spiritual darkness (Matthew 13:11). They saw His miracles but refused to believe (Matthew 13:13). They heard His doctrine. Still, they refused to accept what Jesus taught (Matthew 13:13).
Parable of the Sower and the Soils: An Interpretation and Application (Matthew 13:18-23, 37)
Christ later identified Himself as the Sower in the parables, for we read, “He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man” (Matthew 13:37). The seed was identified as “the word of the kingdom” (Matthew 13:19) In a parallel passage, the seed was described as “the word of God” (Luke 8:11).
The four soil types symbolized the hearts of sinners and their response to the Word of God (Matthew 13:19-23; Luke 8:12-15). The “wayside” heart of men is, like its namesake, hardpacked, callused, insensitive, and unresponsive to the Word of God (Matthew 13:19). The “stony” ground heart is impulsive and spiritually shallow (Matthew 13:21). When troubles and trials come, the Word of God withers in a stony heart. Like a seedling without roots, it withers in the sun. The “thorny” ground heart is preoccupied with sin and worldly pleasures (Matthew 13:22) and is beguiled by riches and earthly possessions (Matthew 13:22).
Closing thoughts –
Jesus commended the “good ground” heart as being both fertile and fruitful (Matthew 13:23). He described the “good ground” heart as “an honest [noble; moral; virtuous] and good [morally good; pleasing to God]heart” (Luke 8:15). Such a heart is tender and thirsty. It hears and receives “the word” and keeps it (for truth sets its roots in the mind and thoughts of such a heart). When the seed of God’s Word is planted in a “good heart” (Luke 8:15), it will “bring forth fruit [bear fruit] with patience [endurance]” (Luke 8:15).
An Invitation
Take a moment and reflect on your heart. Which of the four soils describes the spiritual condition of your heart? Is your heart soft and tender, longing for the truths of God’s Word?
I urge you to have an open heart and be sensitive to God’s Word. Do not allow sin and the troubles of the world to desensitize your spirit to God’s Truth.
Romans 10:9-10 – “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. [10] For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Copyright © 2024 – Travis D. Smith
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