Scripture reading – Luke 18
We continue our study of the Gospel of Luke, but I remind you that the chapter breaks in the four Gospels will not be as exacting as the historical timeline that led Jesus to His appointment with the Cross. That explanation is not meant to confuse you but to remind you that translators and editors have added the numbering of verses and chapters in your Bible to assist students of the Scriptures in private study and public worship.
For example, today’s Scripture reading is Luke 18, which chronicles Christ’s oft-repeated prophecy of His arrest, suffering, death, and resurrection (Luke 18:31-34). A parallel record of Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem and the prophecy of His betrayal, suffering, death, and resurrection is also recorded in Matthew 20:17-19.
Luke 18
Luke 18 opens with a principle on prayer followed by a parable illustrating the privilege and power of persevering prayer.
The Duty of Prayer (Luke 18:1)
Jesus began His parable by saying, “Men ought always to pray and not to faint” (Luke 18:1b). The word “ought” indicates that prayer is a perpetual necessity. Discouragement and weariness are never causes for neglecting prayer. In principle and practice, we must persevere in prayer and never grow discouraged or lose heart because our answers are sent from the Lord. Be confident of this: God hears and answers prayer!
The Parable: A Widow’s Appeal to a Heartless Judge (Luke 18:2-5)
Following His exhortation to always pray and not lose heart, Jesus illustrated the power of persistent prayer (Luke 18:2-5). He told a parable of a widow who petitioned a heartless judge to relieve her poverty, but the man neither feared God nor revered men (Luke 18:2).
Widows in 1st century Israel were often poor and relied on numerous sanctions for their care. Because some sons and daughters neglected the command, “Honor thy father and mother” (Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy 5:16), widows often became dependent on charity.
In Christ’s parable, the judge did not fear God’s judgment (Luke 18:2) and had little regard for his petitioners. He had even less concern for fairness or justice. Though tasked with a charge to dole out justice, such a judge often became calloused and spurious in matters of the law.
The identity of the widow’s “adversary” was not revealed (Luke 18:3), but her perseverance in demanding justice was finally heeded by the judge when he succumbed to her endless appeals (Luke 18:4a). Though admitting he was unmoved by fear of God or man (Luke 18:4b), the judge nevertheless yielded to the widow’s demand. He reasoned: “Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me” (Luke 18:5).
The Purpose and Application (Luke 18:6-8)
If a heartless, unjust, and wicked judge could be moved to justice and action by a poor widow’s appeal, imagine how much a loving God’s heart is moved by His people’s persistent petitions (Luke 18:7-8a). We find a great promise in this story: God hears the prayers of His people (“His own elect” – Luke 18:7), and in His time and season, He exacts revenge against their enemies.
Closing thoughts –
Will you trust the LORD to answer your prayers in His time? Will you commit to not “faint” or grow weary and believe God hears and answers prayers?
Your adversaries may boast, but you can be sure the LORD will answer prayer. His judgment will fall upon your enemies “speedily” and without warning (Luke 18:8a).
Heed the Widow’s Example, and Don’t Lose Faith!
Copyright © 2024 – Travis D. Smith
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