Heart of a Shepherd Ministry

Daily Devotional Meditations and a Biblical Perspective on Current Events

A Study Through Hebrews


Love, Marriage and Money (Hebrews 13; 2 Timothy 1)

Click on this link for translations of today's devotion. Scripture reading – Hebrews 13; 2 Timothy 1 https://youtu.be/FPMaqneIDJs Our journey through the Epistle to the Hebrews concludes with today’s Scripture reading, Hebrews 13. The author has reminded the believers...

Do You Have Faith? (Hebrews 11; Hebrews 12)

Click on this link for translations of today's devotional. Scripture reading – Hebrews 11; Hebrews 12 https://youtu.be/MdJDsxssyrM Hebrews 11 and 12 are pivotal chapters in our study of the Epistle to the Hebrews.  While earlier chapters have been heavily weighted...

What is in Your Heart? (Hebrews 8-9) – A video daily devotional.

https://youtu.be/U5kK6W6bsQY Summary of today's video devotional: The New Covenant is the subject of Hebrews 8, and continues the revelation that Christ is our High Priest, and “is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens” (8:1). As our High...

Was ist in deinem Herzen? (Hebräer 8; Hebräer 9)

* English speaking friends, the following is a German translation of today's devotional from HeartofAShepherd.com. Schriftlesung – Hebräer 8; Hebräer 9   Wir setzen unser Studium des Hebräerbriefes (Kapitel 8 und 9) fort und werden an den zweifachen Fokus dieser...

What is in Your Heart? (Hebrews 8; Hebrews 9)

Click on this link for translations of today's devotional. Scripture reading – Hebrews 8; Hebrews 9 We continue our study of the Epistle to the Hebrews (chapters 8 and 9), and are reminded of the twofold focus of this passage: Christ, the believer’s High Priest; and...

Who was Melchisedec, and does it matter? (Hebrews 7)

Click on this link for translations of today's devotional. Scripture reading – Hebrews 7 Today’s devotional is taken from Hebrews 7, and continues with the focus upon Melchisedec, the king and high priest of Salem (the ancient name of Jerusalem, 7:1). The writer of...

Popular Devotional Studies


The Dilemma of Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage (Matthew 19)

The Dilemma of Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage (Matthew 19)

Click this link to translate this Bible study into Russian, Chinese, Arabic, German, Spanish, Portuguese, or French.  Scripture reading – Matthew 19 Today’s Scripture reading (Matthew 19) begins with a question that has troubled many throughout the centuries and...


Hard Topics

The Dilemma of Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage (Matthew 19)

The Dilemma of Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage (Matthew 19)

Click this link to translate this Bible study into Russian, Chinese, Arabic, German, Spanish, Portuguese, or French.  Scripture reading – Matthew 19 Today’s Scripture reading (Matthew 19) begins with a question that has troubled many throughout the centuries and...