Marvelous Grace! (Acts 15; Acts 16)

Marvelous Grace! (Acts 15; Acts 16)

Click this link to translate this Bible study into Russian, Chinese, Arabic, German, Spanish, Portuguese, or French.    Scripture reading – Acts 15; Acts 16 I introduced you to James, the author of the Epistle of James, in a prior devotional. He was believed to be the...
Persevering in Trials and Overcoming Temptations (James 1-2)

Persevering in Trials and Overcoming Temptations (James 1-2)

Click this link to translate this Bible study into Russian, Chinese, Arabic, German, Spanish, Portuguese, or French.    Scripture reading – James 1; James 2; James 3 Our two-year chronological study of the Scriptures continues with a brief departure from our readings...