The Tribulation, Armageddon, and The End (Daniel 12)

The Tribulation, Armageddon, and The End (Daniel 12)

Scripture reading – Daniel 12 Click this link to translate this Bible study into Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, Russian, German, Spanish, French, or Portuguese. Our study of the Book of Daniel ends with an event yet to be: The Tribulation. Four prophetic visions were...
A Prophetic Perspective on the History of Persia and Greece (Daniel 11)

A Prophetic Perspective on the History of Persia and Greece (Daniel 11)

Scripture reading – Daniel 11 Click this link to translate this Bible study into Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, Russian, German, French, Spanish, or Portuguese. Fulfilled prophecy is one of the great proofs that the Scriptures are divinely inspired (2 Timothy 3:16; 2...