Moral Dilemmas: Divorce, Debt, and Human Trafficking (Deuteronomy 24; Deuteronomy 25)

Click on this link for translations of today’s devotion. (Additional languages available upon request by emailing Scripture reading – Deuteronomy 24-25 Our Scripture reading continues with Moses setting forward various laws that...

The Call to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19; Revelation 20)

Click on this link for translations of today’s devotion. Scripture reading – Revelation 19; Revelation 20 John recorded three events in Revelation 19. The first, the gathering of the saints of God for “The Great Marriage Supper of the Lamb” (19:1-10). The second...

Too Late to Repent (Hosea 4; Hosea 5)

Scripture reading – Hosea 4; Hosea 5 Today’s Scripture reading records the LORD’S indictment against Israel and Judah with Hosea’s adulterous wife, Gomer, serving as the backdrop. With the words, “Hear the word of the LORD, ye children of Israel” (4:1), we...